- Our protests are actually being listened to. According to accessnow, at least 38 senators have changed their minds against these draconic bills, and all we need is 3 more.
- The U.S. Government nonchalantly gives us the finger. Yes, yesterday, FBI closed down MegaUpload.com, and if SOPA and PIPA were in effect, I guess my linking to it from my blog could shut down the Blogger service, unless Google were very quick to close my blog first.
Note regarding the closing of MegaUpload.com; the official sites of FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice have been very hard to reach during the night. Tip to the U.S. Government: you're not being targeted by criminal syndicates or anything like that. See it as a reminder from the people of who is your master. It is not your task to wage war on your own.